After the best part of a year training, you’re finally ready to take on your Ironman. No matter where in the world you are, whether you’re heading for a local event or a race on the other side of the globe, keeping on top of all the kit you need can be a nightmare. Make use of our Ironman triathlon kit list.
You have already decided that one sport is not enough for you, so you live in constant danger of turning up on race-day only to find that you have forgotten something crucial. You might be able to run a short triathlon without your trusty socks, but that sort of oversight is likely to cause you all sorts of problems during an Ironman marathon.
We have created a visual Ironman triathlon kit list to help with your organisation in the run-up to race day. There will be plenty of other things you personally like to have with you for your race, but the list covers all of the essentials. You’ll see that all the kit is divided up into their respective stages, so it should be nice and easy to pick out the kit you need to take, as well as remind you of the extra bits and pieces you might not have thought of.

Ironman triathlon kit list
Don’t try to jam all your kit into your bike box! You can rent a bike on the day if you need to, but if an airline loses all of your kit in one go, you might not make it to the start line.
□ Transition bag
□ Warm clothing for race morning
□ Photo ID
□ Race licence
There will inevitably be a period of waiting around before your wave starts, so make sure you have something warm to wear before you change into your wetsuit.
□ Wetsuit
□ Trisuit
□ Goggles
□ Anti-fog spray
□ Swimming hat
□ Transition towel
□ Wetsuit lubricant
□ High UV waterproof sunblock
□ Chamois cream
Don’t forget high factor, waterproof sun-block, and wetsuit lube. YOu’re about to spend 10-15 hours pushing your body to its limit. Forgetting these will make each mile even more punishing than it needs to be.
□ Bike
□ Helmet
□ Sunglasses
□ Bike shoes
□ Garmin/ multisport watch
□ Charging cable
□ Heart rate strap
□ Water bottles
□ Hydration tablets
□ Energy gels
□ Any other food you like to carry on the bike
Repair kit:
□ Spare tubes/ tubs
□ Tire levers
□ Pump or CO2 tire inflator
□ Multi-tool
□ Socks
□ Trainers
□ Visor
□ Tri-suit
□ Compression wear
□ Additional Nutrition
Yellow Jersey offer triathlon bike insurance and Ironman Travel Insurance that will cover you for Ironman racing worldwide. Our bicycle insurance policy includes 48 hour transition cover.